What is the soap? How to make homemade natural soap, making organic soap
The soaps are active washing substances, namely so-called surfactants. Chemically speaking, these are alkaline salts of fatty acids from fat vegetable or animal, which are separated caustic soda. The soaps are currently used for personal hygiene. As a cleaning agent for textile materials, soaps have lost their uses, because after washing, do not dissolve the residues that remain.
The first soap was created more than 6500 years ago
Mankind is customary to use soaps over thousands of years. Around 4500 B.C. Sumerians developed a preliminary form of soaps, and oils obtained from ashes. To get the ashes of plants, Sumerians used to burn pine cones and palm trees. The solution obtained was not used for cleaning, but as medicinal remedies.
It seems that the Egyptians and Greeks (about 2700-2200 BC.) used the same instructions for the preparation of soap, but only with the Germans and Galicians, the soap began to be used in decorative cosmetics purposes. Fat from goats, cattle or deer was used to obtain soap used as hair styling and shaving habits which were then taken over by the Romans.
From bathing culture in the dry baths
Despite bath culture that promoted the Romans started using only soap for personal hygiene in the 2nd century d. Chr. In terms of developing craft soap obtain Arabs proved very inventive. Around the 7th century, they used to prepare oils and caustic soda by adding burnt lime, resulting in a very solid soap, a consistency similar to that of today. These skills have developed rapidly in Europe.
For starters, soaps were available only wealthy nobles. Culture public baths was expanded slowly becoming accessible for the population mass, but the end thereof came with the plague and syphilis in the 14th century, which I fell victim almost 25% of Europe's population (1347-1351). It was extended to the belief that the disease could be transmitted through water and soap. In the 16th century and 17th century, baths were fashionable dry, but with water and soap and towels, perfume and powder. In high circles, completely lacking hygiene, lice and fleas and spread into heedlessly.
Upgrading laundering
Until the 18th century, physicians in Europe were of the opinion that water and air are harmful to health. Dusting the skin and clothing constituted a form of protection against these "toxic elements". Opinions were only changed once ala 19th century and modern hygiene has become regular. But in terms of the war in the 20th century, with raw material supplies they were so small, yet necessary oils and fats production of soap hardly exist. Only after cessation of World War I, it was possible to manufacture soap as industrial mass product. Raw materials were imported from tropical countries and has developed a production process reasonable price: the "Leblanc-" and later "Solvay".
Currently, soaps are made from vegetable and animal fats. The main ingredients are raw materials such as coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, animal fat, lard or fat from the bones. These fats are broken down in the production process, is treated with caustic soda. Toaleta- -of fine soaps are used for hand washing. They contain fats odorless, plus ingredients care, perfumes and dyes. The downside is that alkaline soaps remove not only dirt but also layer on the protective acid, specific skin, causing cracking and skin roughness. This also causes an increase in pH and destroys the protective acid.
Hygiene revolution "soap without soap"
Against eczema, until 40 years ago washer Full ban was imposed. Information that healthy skin is slightly acidic - pH 5.5 - and as alkaline soaps acid attack protection layer, caused him to reconsider Dr. Heinz Maurer soap ingredients. It has developed a washing agent without soap - adapted healthy pH 5.5 skin - that can be used without problems and people with sensitive skin. So-called "Syndets" are substances that do not contain active washing soap and skin that are tolerated well. Unlike ordinary soaps, Syndets substances can be tailored to any desired pH values. Acidic skin casing is maintained by using Syndets, managing to avoid the effect of environmental pathogens.
If you want to avoid some harmful substances found in commercial soaps, you can prepare natural soap yourself at home. Thus, you can benefit not only from the safety of the contained ingredients, but you also have a chance to "play" with the preferable flavors. Here is how to make a homemade soap. A simple recipe of the preparation.
Homemade soap. A simple recipe for preparation of lime blossom
You can enjoy the pleasant aroma of lime flowers, but also found benefits in the form of a plant ... soap. To prepare, you need 350g of white soap simple (bio, which you can find at health food stores), 300 ml of tea concentrate linden blossom, 4 tablespoons grapefruit juice, 5 drops of oil essential rocket, 4 tablespoons of oat flakes fine, but many forms of plastic (depending on your preference).
Before mixing the ingredients, prepare the tea and lime concentrate, 20 g of herb to a cup of boiling water. Heat to simmering tea lime, add grapefruit juice, after which gives the white soap fine grater and put it in the same boat. Mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon, add oil and oatmeal rocket and allow to cool, continuing to stir.
When it has thickened, pour the soap into prepared forms. Cover with a dry cloth forms and give them to stay warm and dry in about a week.
Tip: If you prepare a larger amount of soap, you can hold it properly silk paper. A packed soap can become such a special gift.
Homemade soap. A simple recipe with rose petals
Another soap recipe that you can try is the goat milk and rose petals. Goat's milk is recognized for the benefits it brings to the skin, leaving it smooth, hydrated and supple. To prepare it you'll need 30 grams of petals dry rose (you can also choose several colors), about 500 grams of soap plain (white), 30 ml of goat's milk, a teaspoon of essential oil of rose.
Put shaving soap in a bowl, melt in the microwave (take it out and stir occasionally), but do not let it boil. Add dried rose petals over soap, goat milk and mix well until the ingredients are incorporated.
Finally, put over ingredients and essential oil of rose. Before pouring the soap, alcohol spray in the forms prepared to clean them in depth. You can also use forms of pottery and kitchenware. Leave forms covered with a cloth to dry for six days, after which you can remove the soap from the molds.
Info: Properties rose petals easier if the liquid is released to the put is hot.
Homemade soap. A simple recipe prepared with Shea butter for dry skin
An ally of dry and sensitive skin is shea butter soap, which cleans, moisturizes and softens depth. Rich in nutrients, the soap may be prepared from: 140 g of shea butter, 180 g of oil, coconut oil, 400 ml of olive oil, 100 ml of castor oil, 100 ml of coconut milk 200 ml of water distilled and 130 g plain soap. For more intense effects can add a teaspoon of marigold flowers.
Melt simple shaving soap in a bowl over low heat, add the shea butter row and the coconut and stir continuously. When the ingredients have melted, take the pot off the heat, then add olive oil and place the castor. While the composition is hot (perfect liquid) distilled water into the jar and mix until well incorporated.
After another five minutes add a slightly warmed coconut milk and marigold flowers and continue to mix until they are fully incorporated. Pour mixture into prepared forms and leave them in a warm place for a week. ( for more health tips visit http://health-tips.ca )
Tip: The more liquid is the coconut oil so it's more processed, so it is advisable to choose one solid.
Recipe and gentlemen - shaving soap
Soaps and because of your whole family to enjoy, we give you idea how to prepare for a soap partner that it can be used instead of shaving cream. You need to 350-400 g of a simple soap, white, a teaspoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of almond oil, 1-2 tablespoons of powdered clay.
And to play with the male-specific flavor you can add a few drops of essential oil of pine or eucalyptus. Give the neat soap fine grater and put it in a pot over low heat to melt.
When melted completely separate beaker, add olive oil, the almonds and powdered clay. Mix well with a wooden spoon, then add the essential oil of eucalyptus or pine. Pour mixture into prepared forms and leave them to dry up until the soap hardens.
Tip: If you want to do more soap foam, add to preparing and 4 drops of castor oil.
INFO: Pine essential oil, used in the preparation of shaving soap has astringent.