What is diabetes? Diabetes mellitus, symptoms, types, signs, causes, treatment, cure, remedies

by admin / Oct 03, 2016 / 0 comments

The prevalence of diabetes is growing alarmingly in most countries. In 2003 the number of cases of diabetes in the world was 194 million and is projected to exceed 330 million in 2025. Of the total number of cases of diabetes, 85% - 95% are type 2. In Europe 56 million of adults suffer from diabetes.

In the USA, each year almost 30,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes, but only 5% of Americans have diabetes confirmed. We estimate that the number could be higher because many people suffer from this disease without being diagnosed. The more people are informed about the dangers of diabetes, its causes and symptoms and previous stages, the faster can take countermeasures. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder, for which the hormone insulin plays a significant role. Basically, we feed energy as carbohydrates, which are converted in the gastrointestinal tract into glucose molecules which are then taken up in the blood (blood glucose).

Insulin lowers glucose levels
When blood glucose concentrations increase in some cells (islets of Langerhans) pancreatic hormone insulin is released into the bloodstream as glucose blood cells can be reached only through insulin. Without insulin, blood glucose concentration is very high, but bodies "hungry" because they do not get the sugar.

Excess blood sugar is eliminated through the urine, leading to sweeten urine. Hence the name of the disease is diabetes mellitus which can achieve a sweet flow.

Forms and causes of diabetes
Among the causes of diabetes, excess weight requires a larger insulin needed by the organ to move blood sugar into cells. Insulin resistance is one of the major symptoms of diabetes. Overweight, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and metabolic disorders, these form the "quartet fatal" (metabolic syndrome) - all these are conditions that do not show pain and can have fatal consequences.

Since insulin resistance develops over time the most common form of diabetes, type 2 diabetes, also called diabetes onset in adulthood. A less prevalent form of diabetes is type 1. In his case, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are destroyed in childhood or adolescence through an immunological process - this is why we talk about juvenile diabetes when it comes to diabetes type 1.

Also, there gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes) which - as the name suggests - starts during pregnancy. Other forms of diabetes are those which result from disease of the pancreas, for example in the case of chronic infections.

Symptoms and signs of diabetes
Among the possible signs or symptoms of thirst remember feeling sharp and large amounts of urine. Sudden and unexplained weight loss or predisposition to infection you should take thought. In the worst cases can reach the coma of diabetes, with symptoms such as feeling sick, vomiting and loss of consciousness.

Type 2 diabetes usually finishes over the years, while in the case of type 1 diabetes, the disease begins in a few weeks. Gestational diabetes is a particular danger for children, being a so-called intoxication possible pregnancy (gestations).

The problematic aspect of diabetes (sugar disease) is the slow progress of insulin resistance, affecting multiple internal organs, while the disease is not detected and the symptoms are not yet visible.

Diabetes: Consultations and complications
Anamnesis (medical history setting): Discomfort such as excess kilos, sweating and feeling sharp thirst may indicate period started when diabetes without being noticed.

Tests of blood and hormone tests: blood glucose levels Repeating establishment is of major importance for the diagnosis of diabetes. The amount of glucose should be measured before and after meals. Also to be established and long-term value of glucose, HbA 1c is controlled several times along the way. When there are already suspicions about insulin production, is performed glucose tolerance test. Urinalysis is also needed to determine glycosuria and determine the general diagnosis. Metabolism is also affected by glucose levels, because by adjusting the correct level of glucose, further avoidable diseases.

Consultations in detail to establish any organ disease
Once diagnosed diabetes, it is necessary to consult all major organs that can be affected by high levels of blood glucose, in order to establish possible damages already caused. Thus, it is necessary ophthalmologic detailed check kidney function, ECG to establish functioning heart and an examination of the blood circulation in the legs plus a function of nerves, so the doctor can form an impression of the possible insufficient and organ function problems.

High levels of blood glucose blazing forth on different organs in our body. Large blood vessels through which blood with a glucose level is too high, it may calcify, which causes high blood pressure, heart disease can have fatal consequences - heart - or heart rhythm disorders or stroke. And other organs may suffer from heart attacks.

But even small vessels are damaged - important especially for kidneys (diabetic nephropathy) and eye (diabetic retinopathy). Diabetes can affect including potency. The consequences of long-term dialysis and vision loss are common among people suffering from diabetes for many years.

Diabetes affects vessels and nerves
Changing blood vessels called diabetic macroangiopathy (for expansion of blood vessels) and microangiopathy (in the case of the reduction in the size of blood vessels). Poor circulation, especially in the peripheral leg affects the nerve endings (diabetic polyneuropathy).

Diabetics nerves are less sensitive to stimuli, and if legs due to poor circulation and can develop certain diseases. Predisposition to infection are registered in other parts of the body - at dental nail fungus or mushroom genitals are among common issues.

Diabetes during pregnancy is a risk situation for both mother and baby. Thus, pregnant women may still suffer from diabetes before pregnancy or disease can develop during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). These tasks are always reported as risk pregnancies and require monitoring closely. ( for more health tips visit http://health-tips.ca )

Diabetes: Consequences and Treatment
"Losing extra weight," it is the most important measure in the effort for treating diabetes. Obesity is a rising incidence in the US, including among children and adolescents. Children need more programs to promote sport and movement.

Treatment of diabetes
After diagnosis, the doctor will discuss with you and determine which medicines are best suited. In the case of type 2 diabetes, it is possible to increase the medication in the body's own production of insulin or influence insulin resistance. But when insulin production is too low, its external administration required. Your doctor will explain the different possibilities of administration -schema conventional or intensive insulin pump or pen, and you will choose one that you feel fits.

Injecting insulin is no longer a complicated measure, thanks to modern devices such as insulin pen. Personal control of insulin can also be mastered with a little practice it. They are currently undertaken research which can be avoided treatment for life with insulin - so in some cases of juvenile diabetes, it is possible transplantation of islet cells and in the field of genetic engineering researches, the stem cells are expected and other alternative therapies like . Discuss including dosage form of insulin - perhaps it will soon be possible inhalation of insulin, exceeding permanent puncture which can become irritating!

The consequences diagnosed with diabetes
Each new person diagnosed with diabetes wonder to what extent this situation will affect his life. What are the consequences of diabetes? Are you allowed to travel? Are you allowed to drink alcohol? What influences blood sugar?

Food: Those with diabetes are always concerned units bread, carbohydrates, and insulin amounts. A proper diet is especially important for diabetics because it influences the amount of insulin needed.
Facilities: How alcohol alter blood sugar levels? Are you allowed to drink a beer or sometimes even two?
Sport: Weightlifting Lifting should not become favorite discipline, but most of the other sports are right for you
Travel: either you depend on insulin or tablets and controlled diet must always ready to leave on trips to avoid unpleasant surprises.