Strengthen your immune system

by admin / Sep 18, 2016 / 0 comments

Behave well with your immune system and you will be able to keep away any attack came from foreign bodies and long term, even cancer cells.

The transition from summer to the cold put pressure on our body. It must adapt to new conditions. Not incidentally, with the coming rains and lower temperatures, we stop at the pharmacy more often than usual. The key to coping with this transition is better immune system.

Therefore, act well your immune system and you will be able to keep away any attack came from foreign bodies and long term, even cancer cells.

The immune system is composed of special cells (which include blood cells) and proteins (called antibodies) that help us fight against various invaders from bacteria to certain poisons. The same system is able to react against cancer, by recognizing and destroying cells that multiply beyond measure.

Remember that you are what you eat so food can sustain or, on the contrary, weaken the immune system.

A healthy diet, low in bad fats is key to a strong immune system. This requires more grains to eat - walnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, fruit - pick seasonal fruit, preferably fresh and bio, and vegetables - the same criteria as fruit. In the possibility of introducing into your diet of nutritional supplements that contain vitamin B complex, vitamins A, C, E, iron and zinc.

Because of how poor we eat, it is unlikely that we can get all the vitamins and minerals we need from food only.

A healthy lifestyle is another important factor for your system to operate at maximum parameters imuniatar. Harmony and balance represents the watchwords. Allocate equal time profession and relaxation, family and professional duties. Do not neglect friends and partner. Studies have shown that happy people live longer in their personal lives and have good results and service. ( for more health tips visit )

Eliminate stress in your life, as we talk musclare pain, nagging thoughts or conflicts with others. A state of inner balance and bring balance in your outer life.

Practice yoga and pilates, exercise regularly and moisturize your body sleep as much as you require. Nothing in this world is not worth the price paid your health.