Prevent Gout and Joint Pain by Flushing Out Uric Acid Crystals

by Daniel / Jun 09, 2017 / 0 comments

Uric acid crystals form as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and if left unchecked, can cause pain in the joints or even lead to gout. These crystals form when the body fails to eliminate waste efficiently or when waste is created in large amounts. Uric acid forms during the process of breaking down purines, these are chemicals that are present in many types of foods and also occur naturally in the body. When the kidneys fail to remove uric acid, the crystals form and are then deposited in the joints.

How to Eliminate Uric Acid Crystals Naturally

You need the following readily available ingredients:

Half a lemon

One inch of young ginger root

One medium-sized cucumber (preferably organic)

2 ribs of organic celery


Clean the ingredients

Slice the cucumber into small pieces

Cut the lemon into two equal halves

Prepare the celery ribs

Carve the ginger root

Place all the ingredients in a blender

Drink the mixture

Health Benefits of This Juice

Celery has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties for better health. It also has caffeic acid, flavonol, phenolic acids and ferulic acid that treats conditions such as joint pains, kidney problems, skin disorders, gouts, urinary tract infections and arthritis.

Cucumber is made up of 95% water and is, therefore, good for hydration and elimination of toxins. It has vitamins that are good for your everyday functions. Cucumber is also a good source of silica that strengthens the connective tissues and promotes joint health. Cucumber has vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D, magnesium, calcium, potassium and folate. Cucumber juice is alkaline and this lowers the effectiveness of uric acid.

Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory.