Natural Remedy for Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis is a condition that causes serious joint pain especially in the ankles and knees and usually affects the older generation. There are anti-inflammatory drugs that control the pain but they only work for a short time and are costly.
Luckily, there are natural remedies that can be taken to control this condition. You just need one medium-sized eggplant and follow this procedure:
Wash the eggplant and cut it into rings. Boil one liter of water and put the eggplant in it. Strain it and store about 750ml of water in the fridge; the 250ml can be used for external purposes.
To use it externally, mix the 250ml of eggplant water with 50ml olive oil and store in a fridge. Apply this water on the affected area just before going to bed. Apply gently and place a cotton fabric around your legs to keep them warm. You will see impressive results after 3 weeks.
For internal uses divide the 750ml eggplant water into three equal portions i.e. 250ml each and:
Drink 250ml in the morning
250ml at lunch time
250ml in the evening