Health Benefits of Eating Avocado on a Daily Basis
Avocados might have high fat and calories amounts but they are one of the best fruits. Avocados have lots of nutrients and compounds that are good for your heart. Here are some of the reasons you should eat avocados daily:
Reduce Cholesterol Level
Avocados have oleic acid that cuts cholesterol levels on top of increasing the feeling of fullness. Studies have shown that eating avocados on a regular reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) while raising the levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
Easy Weight Management
Eating avocados helps your body to maintain a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). Avocados give the feeling of fullness and this reduces the desire to overeat. Also, a single avocado has 14 rams of fiber and this helps to reduce your waistline.
If you want lutein in your system, avocados should be your favorite fruit. Lutein is a carotenoid antioxidant that prevents eye infections and diseases. Other beneficial properties of avocado include vitamin E, zeaxanthin, tocopherol, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene.
Keeps Away Osteoporosis
A half of avocado has approximately 25 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K. this vitamin is vital for good bone health. Vitamin K helps the body to absorb calcium effectively and also reducing its excretion rates.
Improves the Flavor of Your Meals
You can add avocado to different meals including soups and salads to improve the flavor and texture of your meals.