Gastritis symptoms, types, treatment, causes, remedies
Gastric mucosal inflammation is known as gastritis. There are two different forms of gastritis: the acute and chronic. Acute gastritis is not so often. In both cases, we are dealing with gastric mucosal inflammation or even ulcers thereof. These lesions may continue to be attacked by stomach acids, leading eventually to ulcers.
Depending on the cause and severity of gastric mucosal lesions, gastric bleeding may occur, which may occur as bleeding and / or bloody stool. Such situations can be life-threatening. Most often, acute gastritis heals spontaneously without treatment.
Often upper abdominal pain of unknown cause is diagnosed as gastritis. Suspicion of gastritis can be confirmed only through a microscopic examination of the cells lining the stomach. Nothing though is that despite popular opinion, gastritis pain is accompanied by a minor or complete absence of pain.
The causes of gastritis are not yet clear. One factor is definitely generator psychosocial stress. Including personality plays a role in disease. Many patients suffering from gastritis are marked by feelings of guilt, frustration and tension permanent conflict.
Acute gastritis
The most common causes of gastritis are:
Heavy drinking or alcohol poisoning
Gastrointestinal infections (gastroenteritis)
Analgesic and those containing cortisone
Helicobacter pylori infection (infectious gastritis)
Difficult and complicated surgeries
Acid burns
Patients in circulatory shock system, which can occur in the following cases:
Excessive bleeding or burning
Viral infections (including gastritis caused by Herpes simplex virus) and bacterial gastritis
In the case of tuberculosis, bacterial toxins
Food poisoning
Alcohol stimulates the production of gastric acid. Thus, in a short time can lead to a hyperacidity in the stomach. In addition, alcohol and attack the protective layer of gastric mucosa, thus facilitating its inflammation due to hyperacidity. Certain analgesics that have the ability to attack the protective layer of mucous, thereby causing inflammation. However, it must be remembered that not all patients who are administered analgesics, those suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Helicobacter pylori as a possible cause
Gastritis can be caused by a variety of pathogens. The latter can also lead to gastroenteritis (= gastrointestinal tract infection, concomitant infection of the stomach, small intestine and possibly the large intestine). In addition, parasites and viruses cause infectious gastritis.
One of the important bacteria is "Helicobacter pylori", which has become known in recent years. This pathogen can survive stomach acid through certain mechanisms, moving both gastric mucosa and triggering chronic gastritis and acute ones. The source of infection is not yet known. It turned out however that this bacterium is transmitted during pregnancy from mother to child.
Gastric mucosal infection can lead to severe size from surgery in complex or victims who have suffered burns. In both cases, the body is under stress gastric mucosa increased and becomes very sensitive.
Gastritis - Chronic gastritis
Chronic gastritis: gastritis type A
In gastritis type A we are dealing with an autoimmune disorder. So, they are formed so -Only autoantibodies against gastric mucosal cells that produce gastric acid (parietal cells). Parietal cells produce gastric acid gastric mucosal, digestion absolutely necessary. At the same time, they form the so-called intrinsic factor (Intrinsic Factor), absolutely vital for vitamin B12 uptake from the digestive tract. Autoantibodies directed against parietal cells and thus affect the production of gastric acid and vitamin B12 uptake.
Type A gastritis consequences consist in reducing stomach acid (achlorhydria) and anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency., Which is irreplaceable for the formation of hemoglobin. This form of gastritis is relatively rare, with a percentage ranging between 3-6%. However, autoimmune gastritis may occur with other autoimmune diseases, facilitating and gastric cancer.
Chronic gastritis: gastritis type B
The most frequent cause of chronic bacterial infection of the gastric mucosa consists of the pathogen Helicobacter pylori infection. About 60% of the world population is a carrier of the pathogen in the gastric mucosa. It is a bacterium that forms enzymes that destroy the gastric mucosa cells then. This pathogen can survive through certain mechanisms in gastric juice, then passing the wall lining format.
The source of infection is not yet known. It turned out however that this bacterium is transmitted during pregnancy from mother to child. Given that the pathogen infection is known, this type of gastritis can be treated with antibiotics like any other infection caused by bacteria.
Chronic gastritis: gastritis type C
This form of infection of the gastric mucosa is the same as type A, namely relatively rare and only about 10% of patients suffering from gastritis. This form of gastritis consists in entering the wrong bile in the stomach and not in the small intestine. The return of bile occurs most often from surgery to the stomach. Bila affects the stomach acid and attack the protective layer of the stomach lining, causing inflammation and damage it. Certain analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or anti-rheumatic treatments attack the protective lining of the stomach lining and cause injury.
Diagnosing gastritis type A and B
Gastritis type A: In the case of autoimmune inflammation of the gastric mucosal tissue, the latter looks atrophied.
Gastritis type B: This form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa is characterized by red spots or growths on the surface of the mucous small size visible on the lining. Helicobacter pylori gastritis, where, besides inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be seen a ventricular ulcer. Taking a sample of tissue is absolutely necessary for rapid urease test. The mucosal tissue sample is inserted into the test liquid containing a color indicator and urea.
Helicobacter pylori produce the enzyme urease and may divide urea. When bacterium Helicobacter pylori are present in the tissue sample, test liquid will turn red as a result of the division of urea. The test result is interpreted as positive when staining occurs after 24 hours. If a strong presence of the bacteria, staining can be observed after 15 minutes.
Another possibility is establishing diagnostic breath test, which can be demonstrated by the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Given that this method can be avoided by gastroscopy, it is applied mostly to children. However, the gastric mucosa can not be evaluated by the breath test.
The diagnosis of type C gastritis
In this type of gastritis, the gastric mucosal tissue is inflamed and covered with streaks of blood stains. This is characteristic especially for infections caused by analgesic drugs. When the disease is advanced, a touch these areas endoscope can cause bleeding.
Schilling test is used when inflammation of the gastric mucosa was already established. The method consists of administering to the patient a dose of vitamin B12 radiolabelled. As already mentioned, vitamin B12 can be assimilated only in the presence of intrinsic factor at the end of the small intestine. When installing gastritis, parietal cells fail to issue intrinsic factor (Intrinsic Factor), so vitamin B12 can not be assimilated and is excreted in urine.
In the second step of Schilling test, the patient concurrently radiolabelled vitamin B12 and intrinsic factor. This vitamin B12 in the urine, is a confirmation of this autoimmune gastritis and pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency anemia). In addition, it is collected and a blood sample to prove a possible anemia, which can be caused either by gastric mucosal bleeding or lack of vitamin B12. In addition, it recommends setting antibodies against the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa to prove with certainty autoimmune gastritis (gastritis type A). ( for more health tips visit )
Autoimmune gastritis facilitates gastric cancer. In addition, there may be strong gastric mucosal bleeding, entailing anemia, fatigue, the exhaustion etc. In the most serious cases of bleeding can lead to shock the circulatory system. In this situation, the bleeding can be stopped by a gastroscopy. But if this method fails, the bleeding can be fatal for the patient!
Another possible complication is the formation of gastric ulcers and duodenal those. Both types of ulcers are accompanied by overwhelming pain or stinging in the upper abdomen. In the case of gastric ulcers, pain usually occurs immediately after meals, and of the duodenum, usually on an empty stomach.
After lunch, the pain disappears for a few seconds. But not in all cases. Pain may continue during the night. In some patients, these symptoms are missing. Uncharacteristic pain occurs during digestion, ebbs and heartburn, sometimes accompanied by vomiting malaise.