Causes of Indigestion, Symptoms and Remedies
Also known as dyspepsia, indigestion is a common digestive system problem characterized by pain in the upper abdominal area.
Causes of Indigestion
There are many things that can lead to indigestion most of them being lifestyle-related. This can be eating too fast, overeating, eating overly spicy, oily or fatty foods. Indigestion can also be caused by taking too much caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoking, eating chocolate, taking iron supplements, certain pain relievers and antibiotics.
Diseases and conditions such as cirrhosis, stomach ulcer, ovarian cysts, peptic ulcer, gastritis, gallstones, gall bladder inflammation, anxiety disorders, celiac disease, congestive heart failure and pregnancy can cause indigestion.
Symptoms and Signs
Indigestion has the following signs and symptoms:
Burning sensation
Abdominal pain
Belching and gas
Growling stomach
Acidic taste
Home Remedies
There are many drugs for treating dyspepsia but if you want cheaper options, use the following home remedies:
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV helps in food digestion and its alkaline effects manages indigestion problems. Add ACV in a cup of water and add honey. Drink the solution two or three times a day for instant relief.
Peppermint oil relieves muscle spasms in your stomach and intestine and stops nausea. If you have peppermint oil in your home, take one tablespoon for three times per day in between meals. If you don’t have this oil, take dried peppermint and add one and a half teaspoons in a cup of water and drink. It also works for those suffering from heartburn.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera fights indigestion, irritation and inflammation of gastroesophageal tract and heartburn. Just drink half a cup of aloe vera juice before meals. This juice is good because it also promotes bowel movements.
This condition is usually caused by lifestyle habits and this means that its easily prevented by:
Not chewing food with the mouth open: you can swallow air and this aggravates dyspepsia.
Eating slowly to completely chew the food.
Taking fluids after meals not during meals.
Avoiding late night eating
Avoiding spicy and oily foods.