All you need to know about the flu
How do you know if you have the flu?
Influenza is an acute respiratory disease, manifested by coughing and pain when swallowing. It is based on a damage to cells that line the airways, thus leading to a local inflammation. General signs and symptoms are fever, headache, muscle pain and asthenia. Is responsible for the production of influenza virus infection with influenza A, B or C.
How come you can have an influenza infection.
A misconception of many people is that the cold causes the flu. In fact, exposure to cold is not necessarily guilty flu, but rather an impaired immune system, which reacts hard against influenza virus infection.
How it is transmitted?
The influenza virus is transmitted very easily. The most common way is eliminated saliva through breathing, sneezing or coughing by sick form of micro droplets (droplets Flugge). These secretions contain pathogenic flora, including influenza virus. Being easily carried by air currents, micro droplets travel long distances.
So it is that can cantona clothes, the objects that surround us (doorknobs, banknotes, light switches, household items), but can be located on hand sick (it is also possible infection by a handshake if you then go hand to the nose, mouth or eyes because we put in contact with the lining of influenza virus).
What complications can occur?
Although it seems harmless, undiagnosed or inadequately treated, influenza infection may cause a number of complications threatening:
Influenza pneumonia - the most severe complication that occurs as an acute flu that fails to resolve, but evolves with persistent fever, dyspnoea and cyanosis;
Secondary bacterial pneumonia - patients with this complication respond to treatment with antibiotics;
worsening of chronic bronchitis and asthma;
myocarditis and pericarditis;
Reye syndrome (potentially deadly complication that affects the brain and liver following administration of aspirin to a person with the flu);
Nervous system disorders: encephalitis, transverse myelitis and Guillain-Barre syndrome (muscle atony appearance, disappearance of reflexes, paresthesias localized occurrence and even paralysis).
How to treat infection with influenza virus.
Flu heals with treatment within a week without treatment within 7 days.
To avoid complications, and for their comfort, treatment should be one that improve symptoms. Based drugs paracetamol, ibuprofen, teas, syrups, bed rest. ( for more health tips visit )
Simultaneously with drug therapy is recommended:
- Rest (7-8 hours / night), fatigue weakening the immune system and favoring the appearance of influenza infection;
- Consumption of fluids (teas, soups);
- Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.
What to do to stay out of the flu.
Get vaccinated with the flu shot.
Avoid crowds or large groups of people.
Air conditioner that produces heat or dry air in the apartment affects the nasal mucosa and promotes the growth of some viruses that cause upper respiratory ailments. So humidify the air using containers with water that then they sit on radiators.
Ventilate the room where you work or rest.
Wash your hands often with soap to defend yourself against the spread of viruses.
Feed yourself properly! Eat more fruits - especially citrus fruits, because they contain large amounts of vitamin C. And do not forget the vegetables and dairy products, as strengthen the immune system and help prevent infections of any kind.
Antibiotics do not relieve flu!
If for effective treatment, thoughts go immediately to antibiotics, as well quit. Influenza is caused by a virus and not a bacteria infection and antibiotics are only effective in fighting bacteria. So the flu, antibiotics have little effect unless it is complicated by a bacterial overgrowth.
The big mistake is to prefer to treat yourself to what you think would work instead to call on the advice of a competent person: a doctor, a pharmacist.