5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Are Evident on Your Face

by Daniel / May 08, 2017 / 0 comments

The best way to make sure that your body has the required amount of minerals and vitamins is by eating a healthy and balanced diet. However, even if you’re eating right, there’s a big possibility that you might not have important nutrients due to your age and susceptibility to health complications. You can go for a blood test to detect vitamin deficiencies but some are clear on your nails, skin and hair.

But there is a simpler way to know whether you have certain ailments, by looking at your face. The following are five signs of nutrient deficiencies that show up on your face plus the foods that you can eat to heal them, naturally.

Puffy Eyes

Do not be alarmed if you find that your eyes are puffy when you wake up, this is normal. However, excess puffiness shows that your body does not have the right supply of iodine. Studies have shown the link between iodine intake and thyroid disease, a condition that causes fatigue, puffy eyes and exhaustion among many other ailments. Other signs that show that your body lacks iodine are weight gain, dry skin and brittle nails.

Healing foods include yogurt, potatoes, navy beans, cranberries, strawberries and kelp.

Pale Skin

If you notice that your face is pale, it might be a sign that you need to increase your intake of vitamin B12. Also, you might not have enough vitamin B12 if you notice that you have a completely smooth tongue.

You should eat Swiss cheese, salmon, yogurt, fortified cereal and red meat to raise your vitamin B12 levels.

Dry Hair

If you have really dry hair, then you might lack vitamin B7 and biotin. Low levels of biotin causes thin hair and weak nails.

You should consume more whole grains, eggs, nuts, almonds and legumes.

Pale Lips

If your lips are pale, then you might be anemic and you must eat more iron-rich foods. Normally, anemic people have pale lips and skin.

Eat dark green vegetables, red meat, peas, iron-fortified cereals, beans and sea food.

Bleeding Gums

If you notice your gums are bleeding often and they become sensitive, you could have low vitamin C. if this is not corrected, you might develop a condition known as scurvy.

You should eat yellow bell peppers, guavas, citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi fruit and dark green leafy veggies such as kale.